This page is a “lorem ipsum” text generator (i.e. it generates placeholder text, also known as “filler text” or “dummy text”). 30 paragraphs are generated when the page loads. The text is generated using random latin words from the first volume of Cicero’s “de Finibus” (the text from which the original “lorem ipsum” text is mostlikelygenerated), excluding some visually conspicuous words (e.g. “ii”, “o” and “uu”). The length of each word, sentence and paragraph is chosen to imitate the length of words, sentences and paragraphs in written English. To make it faster to mock up headlines and intro paragraphs, the first paragraph is always 7 words, and the second always 13 words. The same word will never be repeated without other words in between. To make the page compose the text faster when it loads, the length of each word, sentence and paragraph is picked from three pre-built random sequences of 1000 numbers each; starting at a random point in the sequence, and restarting from the beginning of the sequence when the end is reached. For long sentences, up to one comma is added. For even longer sentences, up to two commas are added. Commas are always added in a way that ensures 3 words at the beginning and end of each sentence, and between commas. We made this page because we needed an easy, unobtrusive way to get long “lorem ipsum” text for design mockups, independently of any particular design tool. Shortcuts: Press “D” to toggle dark mode; Press “R” to re-generate the text.